2009-01-16 13:53:32 UTC
1st Call for Papers
Second International Workshop on Logics for Agents and Mobility (LAM'09)
9-10 August 2008, Los Angeles, California, USA
organised as satellite workshop at the Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE
Symposium on
LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LICS 2009), 11?14 August 2009, Los Angeles,
California, USA
Workshop Organizer:
Berndt Farwer (berndt.farwer at
Workshop Purpose:
Our aim is to bring together active researchers in the area of logics
and mobile systems, especially in the field of logics and calculi for
mobility, agents, and multi-agent systems. Many notions used in the
theory of agents are derived from philosophy, logic, and linguistics
(belief, desire, intention, speech act, etc.), and interdisciplinary
discourse has proved fruitful for the advance of this domain. Outside
of academia, the deployment of large-scale pervasive infrastructures
(mobile ad-hoc networks, mobile devices, RFIDs, etc.) is becoming a
reality. This raises a number of scientific and technological
challenges for the software modelling and programming models for such
large-scale, open and highly-dynamic distributed systems. The agent
and multi-agent systems approach seems particularly adapted to tackle
this challenge, but there are many issues remaining to be
investigated. For instance, the agents must be location-aware since
the actual services available to them may depend on their (physical or
virtual) location. The quality and quantity of resources at their
disposal is also largely fluctuant, and the agents must be able to
adapt to such highly dynamic environments. Moreover, mobility itself
raises a large number of difficult issues related to safety and
security, which require the ability to reason about the software (e.g.
for analysis or verification). Logics and type systems with temporal
or other kinds of modalities (relating to location, resource and/or
security-awareness) play a central role in the semantic
characterisation and then verification of properties about mobile
agent systems. There are still many open problems and research
questions in the theory of such systems. The workshop is intended to
showcase results and current work being undertaken in these areas with
a focus on logics for specification and verification of dynamic,
mobile systems.
Scopes of Interest:
The main topics of interest include
- logics for specification and reasoning about agents, MAS, and mobile
systems in a broader sense
- treatment of location and resources in logics (e.g. Linear Logic, BI-
Logic, ambient calculus)
- security in ad-hoc networks
- temporal logics and model checking
- type systems and static analysis
- logic programming.
Format of the Workshop:
The workshop will be held as a one-and-a-half-day event before LICS.
There will be a general introduction and brief survey of the field by
the organiser as an introduction to the workshop.
The workshop will contain invited talks, contributed talks, and a
discussion session. The latter is meant to give the participants a
chance to discuss informally research directions, open problems, and
possible co-operations.
Submission details:
Authors are invited to submit a full paper of original work in the
areas mentioned above. The workshop chair should be informed of
closely related work submitted to a conference or journal in advance
of submission. One author of each accepted paper will be expected to
present it at the LAM?09 workshop. Submissions should not exceed 15
pages, preferably using the LaTeX article class. The following formats
are accepted: PDF, PS. Please send your submission electronically to LAM.09 at
by the deadline listed below. The submissions will be reviewed by
the workshop's programme committee and additional reviewers. Accepted
papers will appear in informal workshop pre-proceedings and authors
will be encouraged to re-submit papers to formal proceedings likely to
be published as a special journal issue.
Invited Speakers:
Local Arrangements:
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 1 May 2009
Notification: 12 June 2009
Preliminary programme: 19 June 2009
Final papers for proceedings: 10 July 2009
Workshop: 9?10 August 2009
Programme Committee:
Thomas Agotnes, Bergen, Norway
Matteo Baldoni, Torino, Italy
Marina De Vos, Bath, UK
Louise Dennis, Liverpool, UK
J?rgen Dix, Clausthal, Germany
Berndt Farwer (chair), Durham, UK
Michael Fisher, Liverpool, UK
Didier Galmiche, Nancy, France
Jo?o Leite, Lisbon, Portugal
James Harland, Melbourne, Australia
Andreas Herzig, Toulouse, France
Wojtek Jamroga, Clausthal, Germany
Michael K?hler-Bu?meier, Hamburg, Germany
Alessio Lomuscio, London, UK
Dale Miller, INRIA, France
Frederic Peschanski, Paris, France
Vladimiro Sassone, Southampton, UK
Mark-Oliver Stehr, Menlo Park, USA
Wamberto Vasconcelos, Aberdeen, UK
Further Information:
About the workshop: <>
About LICS: <>
Second International Workshop on Logics for Agents and Mobility (LAM'09)
9-10 August 2008, Los Angeles, California, USA
organised as satellite workshop at the Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE
Symposium on
LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LICS 2009), 11?14 August 2009, Los Angeles,
California, USA
Workshop Organizer:
Berndt Farwer (berndt.farwer at
Workshop Purpose:
Our aim is to bring together active researchers in the area of logics
and mobile systems, especially in the field of logics and calculi for
mobility, agents, and multi-agent systems. Many notions used in the
theory of agents are derived from philosophy, logic, and linguistics
(belief, desire, intention, speech act, etc.), and interdisciplinary
discourse has proved fruitful for the advance of this domain. Outside
of academia, the deployment of large-scale pervasive infrastructures
(mobile ad-hoc networks, mobile devices, RFIDs, etc.) is becoming a
reality. This raises a number of scientific and technological
challenges for the software modelling and programming models for such
large-scale, open and highly-dynamic distributed systems. The agent
and multi-agent systems approach seems particularly adapted to tackle
this challenge, but there are many issues remaining to be
investigated. For instance, the agents must be location-aware since
the actual services available to them may depend on their (physical or
virtual) location. The quality and quantity of resources at their
disposal is also largely fluctuant, and the agents must be able to
adapt to such highly dynamic environments. Moreover, mobility itself
raises a large number of difficult issues related to safety and
security, which require the ability to reason about the software (e.g.
for analysis or verification). Logics and type systems with temporal
or other kinds of modalities (relating to location, resource and/or
security-awareness) play a central role in the semantic
characterisation and then verification of properties about mobile
agent systems. There are still many open problems and research
questions in the theory of such systems. The workshop is intended to
showcase results and current work being undertaken in these areas with
a focus on logics for specification and verification of dynamic,
mobile systems.
Scopes of Interest:
The main topics of interest include
- logics for specification and reasoning about agents, MAS, and mobile
systems in a broader sense
- treatment of location and resources in logics (e.g. Linear Logic, BI-
Logic, ambient calculus)
- security in ad-hoc networks
- temporal logics and model checking
- type systems and static analysis
- logic programming.
Format of the Workshop:
The workshop will be held as a one-and-a-half-day event before LICS.
There will be a general introduction and brief survey of the field by
the organiser as an introduction to the workshop.
The workshop will contain invited talks, contributed talks, and a
discussion session. The latter is meant to give the participants a
chance to discuss informally research directions, open problems, and
possible co-operations.
Submission details:
Authors are invited to submit a full paper of original work in the
areas mentioned above. The workshop chair should be informed of
closely related work submitted to a conference or journal in advance
of submission. One author of each accepted paper will be expected to
present it at the LAM?09 workshop. Submissions should not exceed 15
pages, preferably using the LaTeX article class. The following formats
are accepted: PDF, PS. Please send your submission electronically to LAM.09 at
by the deadline listed below. The submissions will be reviewed by
the workshop's programme committee and additional reviewers. Accepted
papers will appear in informal workshop pre-proceedings and authors
will be encouraged to re-submit papers to formal proceedings likely to
be published as a special journal issue.
Invited Speakers:
Local Arrangements:
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 1 May 2009
Notification: 12 June 2009
Preliminary programme: 19 June 2009
Final papers for proceedings: 10 July 2009
Workshop: 9?10 August 2009
Programme Committee:
Thomas Agotnes, Bergen, Norway
Matteo Baldoni, Torino, Italy
Marina De Vos, Bath, UK
Louise Dennis, Liverpool, UK
J?rgen Dix, Clausthal, Germany
Berndt Farwer (chair), Durham, UK
Michael Fisher, Liverpool, UK
Didier Galmiche, Nancy, France
Jo?o Leite, Lisbon, Portugal
James Harland, Melbourne, Australia
Andreas Herzig, Toulouse, France
Wojtek Jamroga, Clausthal, Germany
Michael K?hler-Bu?meier, Hamburg, Germany
Alessio Lomuscio, London, UK
Dale Miller, INRIA, France
Frederic Peschanski, Paris, France
Vladimiro Sassone, Southampton, UK
Mark-Oliver Stehr, Menlo Park, USA
Wamberto Vasconcelos, Aberdeen, UK
Further Information:
About the workshop: <>
About LICS: <>